Importance Of A Life

October 04, 2019

Before I begin the issue I want to address today. It is necessary that you first realize the importance of one human life. Life is the only thing you can’t buy with money, neither can you create it with the use of new technology or computers. It is a precious gift of God and us as humans have no rights to control it or vanish it. The loss of one life due to our behaviour is lost to all humanity which no punishment can fulfil.

 Imagine what one person can bring into this world. We won’t have electricity if Benjamin Franklin would be dead in his childhood, what is the use of electricity if Thomas Edison had not invented a bulb?, and it is the hard work of Alexander Graham Bell that we can now talk to thousands of kilometres away within seconds because of the Telephone he invented and it was one single life of Vinton who gave you the internet you are using nowadays.

The purpose of telling you all the importance of a single life is so that you can agree with me that each and every person who comes to this world deserves freedom of what he wants to become and what he wants to do in this life and his basic necessities should be available for a better living.
Nowadays there are many places where basic human rights are being violated due to political reasons by some rulers and there are very few people who are taking actions against them.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said:
“When you see something wrong, try to stop it with your hands and if you can’t stop it with your hands try to stop it with your tongue and if you can’t even do that at least consider that thing wrong in your heart and this is the weakest of faith”

Now the question is why would you even feel wrong about these things if you are not even aware of the situation in those areas and that is what I am willing to achieve through my blogs.

Now I will tell you the current situation of some areas where basic human rights are not available and people are struggling for surviving each and every day. Every single day is a war and a life-long struggle for them.

The first and the most important area in my list is “Kashmir” or you can say “Heaven on earth” . The present situation in Kashmir is breathtaking and it is very hard for me to explain the situation to you guys because sometimes when I talk about Kashmir, I can’t stop myself from crying but it is my duty to spread the awareness.

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